Meter Reader

Meter readers record data from meters to determine the amount of electricity and water used by consumers. Meter readers travel along assigned routes to take readings.

The data taken from the meters is recorded in a route book, and an average is calculated if a meter cannot be reached for some reason. At the end of the day the route books are returned to the office so that accounts may be prepared from the information recorded. Meter readers may also turn services on and off when necessary.

Meter readers may also take note of consumers’ complaints in connection with the water and electricity bills that have been issued. They may advise consumers on such matters. For example, they could point out leakages that could have an effect on meter readings and they also inform the public whom they should contact in connection with sewerage system blockages or when the street lights are not working. Meter readers are also expected to perform clerical routine tasks when not taking readings.


  • municipalities

  • Eskom

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