
Projectionists set up, operate and adjust the equipment necessary for the showing of motion pictures. They run projectors, audio equipment, rewinding machines and seven or more reels of film.

When a new film is received, it is inspected to ensure that it is complete and in good condition, then the projectionist has to compile a film programme, splicing and advertising films, trailers and main feature reels onto a large screening reel. The film has to be examined and repaired if necessary and loaded into the projector, which is also checked to ensure that it is operating properly.  Once the film is threaded, the focus and illumination are adjusted to project a clear image. When the projector reaches the correct speed the shutter is opened and the film is shown.

Projector operation has to be observed in order to anticipate the need to transfer operations from one projector to another, full take-up reels are removed and the film run through rewinding machines to rewind projected films so they may be shown again.  When a programme ends, the projectionist has to break down the advertising films, trailers and main feature reels, remove the film splicings to prepare them for shipment after showing. 

Projectionists are required to deal with all minor repairs to equipment, such as replacing worn sprockets, or notifying maintenance personnel of the need for major repairs. They also perform regular maintenance tasks such as rotating or replacing xenon bulbs, cleaning lenses, lubricating machinery and keeping electrical contacts clean and tight. Thus, it is beneficial for them to be technically inclined and have a fair knowledge of the basic principles of machinery and electricity.

Projectionists may also be expected to control the following activities at a cinema: music before the film and at intervals; dimming the lights; adjusting the air-conditioning; and informing the audience of the safety procedures in an emergency such as a fire.


  • theatres

  • film studios

  • television studios

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