de Beers - Mining, Electrical (Heavy Current), Chemical, Metallurgical, Engineering
de Beers - Engineering
Students at University or Universities of Technology to apply for bursaries available in the following disciplines:
Electrical Engineering (heavy current), Metallurgy/Chemical Engineering, Mining - 2nd or 3rd year students
Bursary Fields
Engineering - Chemical,
Engineering - Electrical,
Engineering - Metallurgical,
Engineering - Mining
Who Can Apply
Preference given to students from Free State, Northern Cape and Limpopo Province. Must be enrolled in field of study Engineering / Mining, and be un-bonded.
Bursary Levels
Full tuition and residence fees plus an additional cash allowance
Renewable annually for the duration of the course
Service Contract
Employment contractual obligation of one year for every year of bursary funded
Closing Date
30 November 2018
Contact Details
De Beers Consolidated Mines PO Box 616 Kimberley, 8300
(053) 839-4111