Optical Technician

Optical technicians prepare lenses in accordance with prescriptions from optometrists and ophthalmologists. Spectacles and contact lenses are important visual aids to anyone with visual problems. Optical technicians render a valuable service by producing high quality spectacles and contact lenses.

Optical technicians receive specific instructions concerning the lenses, from optometrists or ophthalmologists. Prescriptions specify details about the strength of the lenses, their size and shape, location of the optical centre and the position of bifocal segments, if required, the type of frame, etc.

They study prescriptions carefully and decide on the raw materials and processes to be used. They select the right kind of lens blanks and examine the blank lens for defects in the glass, curvature, thickness and size. The lens is then cut with a machine to produce the prescribed curve, and then buffed and polished.

The surfacing, setting of curves, smoothing and polishing, shaping and glazing of lenses and the final checking, all need to be done carefully. The lenses are measured, marked and cut to fit the frames and the finished lenses are then mounted into the frames.

Optical technicians also repair damaged lenses and frames and prepare contact lenses. They work in a well-equipped laboratory, which may be noisy at times due to the polishing and grinding machinery.


  • optical laboratories

  • manufacturers of optical instruments

  • optometrists

  • ophthalmologists

  • self-employment, with enough experience and capital, can open own business

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