Merchandise displayers design and install shop and shop window displays in an attractive and eye-catching manner. The display artist is also responsible for displays at museums and international shows.
A theme is usually chosen and then the necessary properties (such as lights, mannequins and background scenes) are obtained or constructed and installed. In small shops, one displayer may perform all these tasks, while in larger shops different people may specialise in activities such as carpentry, painting, sign-writing, interior or exterior displays or administration.
The display artist starts an assignment by planning a work scheme in a studio. Here the artist’s ideas come into practice. Thereafter a sketch plan and models of the final display are made. A list of all the required accessories - background material and other supplies - is drawn up. As much as possible of the preparatory work is performed in the studio. The display artist and the advertising manager continuously work together.
The work of the display artist varies according to his experience, skill and the place where he works. The display artist usually does all the planning, organising and the display by himself, while the assistant display artist helps him with smaller tasks.
The display artist must be able to picture, draw, design and paint the décor for exhibits and make models. He must be able to work with wood, cardboard, nails and many other materials needed to build a display.
The display artist constructs window displays or dress counters in such a way that products catch the eye of the potential buyer. The work of the display artist is an important part of merchandise marketing.