Clothing Manager

Clothing managers plan, organize, coordinate and control the production of clothing in a factory.

Clothing managers are responsible for production planning and control. They ensure that high standards of quality are met and that clothes are supplied on time and within cost constraints. They liaise with other functional managers on issues such as: design, marketing, finance and human resources. They check that workers follow instructions and work according to the production plan and to deadlines.

They need to have a thorough knowledge of the processes, techniques and skills required and are always looking for ways to improve existing systems and production processes.

Clothing managers need to ensure that materials and accessories are ordered and received on time. They may also be involved in work-study, production, cutting, quality control, administration, management, marketing and distribution.


  • clothing factories

  • fashion houses and exclusive shops

  • clothing chain store

  • self-employment, with the necessary experience and capital, start own clothing manufacturing company

Where to Study

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