Transnet (Graduate Development Programme)



The purpose of the GIT programme is to bring in people who have completed a degree/s and provide work experience through a structured programme that includes intensive training, development and support. To potentially grow them into positions and roles within the organisation, as to fast-track them into the talent pool and ultimately key positions within the organisation. Focus Areas of the G I T Programme Operations Logistics Procurement Marketing and Sales Information Technology Finance Safety Project Management Communications Property Management
Bursary Fields

Finance, Information Technology, Logistics
Who Can Apply

University graduates from a wide range of focus areas: Operations Logistics Procurement Marketing and Sales Information Technology Finance Safety Project Management Communications Property Management

Bursary Levels

Contact Details

Inyanda House, 15 Girton Road, Parktown, 2193
Private Bag X47, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2000
(011) 544-9500
Application Address