Thuthuka Bursary Fund
South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA)
Thuthuka Bursary Fund is looking for academically strong learners who aspire to become Chartered Accountants. Learners who do exceptionally well in Mathematics and have excellent marks in the other subject to qualify for university entrance may apply.
Bursary Fields
Chartered Accounting
Who Can Apply
Students must meet the following minimum criteria:
- Completed grade 12
- University pass with a 60% in Mathematics (not Maths Literacy)
- Students must be African or Coloured
- Intend on studying a BCom in Accounting
- Students must be financially needy and will be assessed using the NSFAS MEANS TEST to confirm financial need.
Bursary Levels
Undergraduates, Year 12
Depends on availability of funds at the time.
Renewable annually
Service Contract
Successful applicants must enter into agreement with TBF and NSFAS.
Closing Date
30 April 2018
Contact Details
Thuthuka Bursary Fund, 7 Zulberg Close, Bruma Lake, 2198
P O Box 59875, Kengray, 2100.
Application Address
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