Mintek (Postgraduate Bursary)



Mintek’s Postgraduate Bursary Programme further equips undergraduates through the development of research methodology skills at the Masters level, followed by the generation of original research that contributes new knowledge to a field at the Doctoral level. Bursars are also given the opportunity to work closely with some of the world’s foremost researchers, learn more about other scientific divisions at Mintek and become involved in interesting research. Bursaries are awarded in the following fields of study: Catalysis Chemistry (Analytical or Geochemistry) Chemical Engineering (Minerals Processing or Process Control) Electrical Engineering (Process Control Systems or Electronics) Extractive Metallurgy (Pyrometallurgy or Hydrometallurgy, including Bio-hydrometallurgy) Fuel Cells Geology (Mineralogy, Petrology, Applied Geology or Economic Geology) Mechanical Engineering Minerals Processing Mining Engineering Mining-Focused Environmental Compliance Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Physical Metallurgy Physics Precious Metal-Based drug Discovery
Bursary Fields

Chemistry, Engineering - Chemical, Engineering - Electrical, Engineering - Mechanical, Engineering - Metallurgical, Geology, Physics
Who Can Apply

Postgraduate bursaries are offered subject to Mintek’s ongoing research and development programmes. Studying towards any of the fields above with an overall average of 60% and no failed courses or subjects. Must be a South African citizen. Must meet the university entry requirements and be accepted at a recognised South African university as a full-time student.

Bursary Levels

Postgraduate Students

Bursaries cover the full payment of registration, tuition and residence fees, plus an allowance, in return for a commitment to work at Mintek on a month-for-month basis.
Closing Date

30 June 2018
Contact Details

200 Malibongwe Drive, Strijdom Park, Randburg, 2125
Private Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125
(011) 709-4111
Application Address