Engen Bursary



Engen will be awarding bursaries to top students for a variety of BSc and Bcom degrees. Students currently at university studying towards any of the degrees listed below and matric learners who intend to follow any of the degrees below may apply. BCom Accounting; BCom Auditing; BCom Transport; BCom Procurement; BCom Credit Management; BSc Chemical Engineering; BSc Environmental Science; BSc Civil Engineering; BSc Metallurgy; BSc Chemistry; BSc Industrial Engineering; BSc Mechanical Engineering; BTech Credit Management..
Bursary Fields

Accounting, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Logistics, Marketing
Bursary Levels

Undergraduates, Year 12
Closing Date

30 June 2018
Contact Details

Send a CV with your results to, engengraduate@fempower.co.za.
Application Address
