Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries


Department of Agriculture

The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries intends to award comprehensive bursaries to qualifying applicants pursuing and/ or intending to further their studies in critical scarce skills in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sectors for the 2015 academic year.
Bursary Fields

Agriculture, Geosciences
Who Can Apply

SA citizens wishing to study BSc Bioresource Engineering (Agricultural Engineering). Must have Mathematics and Physical Science level 6 (70-79%). The bursary awards target the previously disadvantaged and impoverished persons from poverty-stricken and deep rural communities. Females and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Bursary Levels

Undergraduates, Year 12

The bursaries will cover tuition, accommodation, books, meals and monthly allowance.
Closing Date

30 September 2018
Contact Details

The Director, Sector Education and Training, Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Private Bag X250, PRETORIA, 0001
( 012) 319-7848
Application Address