
Vulcanologists study volcanoes and predict eruptions and their effects. Short-term forecasting and accurate prediction of large volcanic eruptions have improved immensely in recent years.

Vulcanologists monitor active volcanoes by using various tracking methods, for example gas monitoring, deformation studies and seismic monitoring. Seismometers determine the strength and location of an earthquake by measuring ground vibrations. Seismographs receive signals and plot data in the form of a line called a seismogram.

Many vulcanologists find work as university professors teaching petrology or a geological subject such as vulcanology as their main field of interest. Some find work evaluating the safety of the long-term storage of nuclear waste.

Volcanoes can be extremely dangerous when an eruption occurs, but with the help of vulcanologists and technology, many lives can be saved.


  • government departments

  • geological surveyors

  • universities

  • research institutes

Where to Study

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