Motorcycle and Scooter Mechanic

Motorcycle mechanics service, repair, overhaul and assemble motorcycles, scooters and similar vehicles. They determine the nature and extent of malfunctions.

Motorcycle mechanics may connect and test the engine panel; measure and adjust the generator output, ignition and timing. They dismantle engines and repair or replace defective parts. This may involve removing cylinder heads and grinding valves and manufacturing unobtainable parts, they then re-assemble and test the repaired engines.

Where necessary, they replace worn valves, pistons and cylinders; repair and adjust clutches, brakes and drive chains; repair, replace or adjust headlights, starters, mufflers and various other parts; panel-beat dents in frames and weld tears; and put in spokes and align wheels.


  • motorcycle and scooter dealers

  • government departments (to maintain police motorcycles and scooters)

  • firms that modify and maintain motorcycles and scooters

  • manufactures of motorcycles and scooters

  • self-employment, with enough experience, initiative and capital, can start own business

Where to Study

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