Mine Surveyor

Mine surveyors undertake both underground and surface surveys designed to produce information for the construction of mine plants. Mine surveyors are responsible for maintaining accurate plans of mines as a whole and will update maps of the surface layout to account for new buildings and other structures, as well as surveying the underground mine workings in order They plan the direction and extent of all underground workings, and use advanced surveying techniques and instruments to give these directions underground. All underground workings are plotted and kept regularly updated, so that surface officials and management can pinpoint any spot underground at any given time.

Mine surveyors are responsible for measuring the areas and volumes blasted by underground crews. Each month they measure the quantity of work done by mining contractors underground, and calculate their contractual earnings. More importantly, surveyors are involved in the measuring process to calculate ore production, in volume or mass units, from the mining operation.

In addition to this, the volume of the dumps of waste accumulating on the surface of the mining property will also be surveyed. This aspect of the work has turned mine surveyors into managers of mines’ resources.

Mine surveyors are responsible for taking regular samples of reefs exposed in underground excavations, to determine which areas are profitable to mine. Thus, their work has to be very accurate at all times. Senior survey personnel also perform management functions, as well as managing the underground “ore” reserve.

Mine surveyors will usually perform the practical underground work in the mornings and spend the afternoons on the surface, assimilating findings and doing the necessary calculations.to keep a record of the mining operation.They plan the direction and extent of all underground workings, and use advanced surveying techniques and instruments to give these directions underground. All underground workings are plotted and kept regularly updated, so that surface officials and management can pinpoint any spot underground at any given time.

Mine surveyors are responsible for measuring the areas and volumes blasted by underground crews. Each month they measure the quantity of work done by mining contractors underground, and calculate their contractual earnings. More importantly, surveyors are involved in the measuring process to calculate ore production, in volume or mass units, from the mining operation.

In addition to this, the volume of the dumps of waste accumulating on the surface of the mining property will also be surveyed. This aspect of the work has turned mine surveyors into managers of mines’ resources.

Mine surveyors are responsible for taking regular samples of reefs exposed in underground excavations, to determine which areas are profitable to mine. Thus, their work has to be very accurate at all times. Senior survey personnel also perform management functions, as well as managing the underground “ore” reserve.

Mine surveyors will usually perform the practical underground work in the mornings and spend the afternoons on the surface, assimilating findings and doing the necessary calculations.


  • local and international mining groups

  • self-employment, with enough experience, can start own business and work on a contractual basis for mining groups

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