Life Coach

Life coaches support and encourage people to fulfil their potential and make the most of their lives. Their main aim is to empower their clients to take control of their situation, in areas such as relationships, careers, fitness, work-life balance and self-confidence.

Life coaches work with clients to:

• explore their situation
• discuss their values, attitudes and beliefs
• find ways in which they might achieve their aims
• help them to set appropriate goals
• encourage them to stay motivated and committed
• explore ways of overcoming barriers and setbacks.

They work with a range of clients, from individuals to an entire business or company, offering either a general service, or specialising in a particular area such as executive and business coaching, life changes or spiritual coaching.

Life coaches may sometimes refer clients to an appropriate therapist if they are of the opinion that this would be beneficial.

They usually work to a schedule of sessions lasting between thirty minutes and one hour, as agreed with the client. They are normally office-based, conducting sessions face-to-face, over the phone or online. Some of their time would be spent preparing and reviewing sessions.


You would usually be self-employed, and would need to develop your business through networking, marketing and reputation.

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