Energy Engineer

This is a relatively new field. An energy engineer is involved with the production of energy from natural resources, such as the extraction of oil and gas, as well as from renewable or sustainable sources of energy, including biofuels, hydro-, wind and solar power.

Energy engineers are focused on finding efficient, clean and innovative ways to supply energy. They work in a variety of roles, including designing and testing machinery, developing ways of improving existing processes, and converting, transmitting and supplying useful energy to meet our needs for electricity.

Energy engineers plan, design, organise and oversee the construction or remodelling of energy generation plants and design, develop or evaluate energy-related projects to reduce energy costs or improve energy efficiency.

They research and develop ways to generate new energy, improve the efficient use of energy through reducing emissions from fossil fuels, and minimise environmental damage.

Energy engineers use various engineering disciplines to prevent, control and remove environmental health hazards. They apply their knowledge and skills to such things as environmental impact assessment, natural resources management and pollution control. Work may include waste treatment, site clearing, or pollution-control technology.

Energy engineers can have an extremely varied workload, depending on the sector in which they work or the type of project involved. Site work is typically on a shift basis, while design and research areas typically follow standard office hours.

Energy is a topic of huge importance and interest to individuals, industry and government. Climate change and the increased price of oil and gas as an energy source have prompted the government to make sustainable and renewable energy generation a priority. Consequently, the renewable energy industry is expanding rapidly.

As the demand for oil and gas rises, pressure for businesses to reduce carbon emissions and be more energy efficient increases. In turn, this has led to a growth in renewable or sustainable sources of energy such as solar, wind and hydropower.


• energy management companies
• waste management companies
• factories

Where to Study

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