Computer Terminal Operator

Computer terminal operators type information into the computer for processing. A computer terminal operator's job is to review data for accuracy and make corrections.

The computer terminal operator also types computer programs and inputs data and sets up instruction programs for the computer to follow.

Other responsibilities include:

  • programming margin changes, line adjustments and other routine typing decisions

  • safe-keeping of all the documentation

  • taking care of the computer equipment

In-service training: ?a candidate must pass a selection process before appointment. The data typist who has already attained proficiency on any other keyboard (such as a typewriter or other office machine), may be trained on the job by senior operators or supervisors.

The candidate with no experience is sent on an external course or given a systematic training course before starting productive work. The basic content of the training course is standard but its application is adapted to the needs of each individual on a personal basis.


  • all businesses and industries

  • educational and health care institutions

  • government departments

  • computer manufacturers and companies

  • public institutions such as Eskom, Denel, Mittal Steel, Transnet

  • educational institutions such as universities of technology

  • local authorities and other institutions.

  • self employment - computer technicians, with enough experience and capital, may start their own businesses

Where to Study