Computer operators help shift leaders in ensuring that all work allocated to the shift is processed efficiently, timeously and according to schedule. They have to clean the equipment such as printers, to ensure that no job failures arise due to dirt or dust.
Operators communicate with computers by means of keyboards. They should have an understanding of the system they are using, so that they can check the correctness of all operations and take all necessary precautions to ensure that no mistakes are made. In cases of malfunctioning, operators must find the causes, correct them or call service technicians. They also keep a record of the work done on the computer and prepare reports on its use.
Computer operators are responsible for the efficient, accurate operation of the system. They feed in information either via the keyboard or tapes as computer input and, if necessary, collect output as it emerges from the printer. Increasingly complex hardware and software, together with the increasing use of remote terminals connected via telephone networks to a central computer, have broadened the scope for computer operators.
Computer operators may specialize with regard to equipment manufacturer. They must be able to understand written technical instructions and be able to work quickly and accurately. With experience and ability, computer operators may advance to supervisors. To advance to programmer or systems analyst, however, computer operators need additional training, experience and ability.