Air Pollution Analyst

An air pollution analyst is someone who is trained to research, inspect and investigate levels of air pollution, and to take the necessary steps to ensure good air quality so that public health concerns are addressed. 

Air pollution analysts conduct research, perform tests, collect samples, and perform field and laboratory analysis to identify sources of environmental problems and recommend ways to prevent, control and remedy these problems. 

Air pollution analysts assess the likely impact that potential activities, projects and developments mayhave on the environment, and recommend whether such developments should proceed. They develop and coordinate the implementation of environmental management systems to enable organisations to identify, monitor and control the impact of their activities, products and services on the environment. They conduct audits to evaluate the environmental impact of existing activities, processes, wastes, noises and substances. 

They assess the compliance of an organisation with government and internal environmental regulations and guidelines, and they identify violations and determine appropriate remedial action. They provide technical advice and support services to organisations on how best to deal with environmental problems in order to reduce environmental damage and minimise financial loss. They develop conservation plans. 

Air pollution analysts may work in indoor environments to determine the air quality in homes, businesses and government offices. They can work for ompanies that serve private citizens, or for government agencies that monitor conditions in the workplace. Those who work outdoors typically work for government agencies to monitor compliance with air quality regulations. They may use specialised equipment to measure air pollution, determine whether businesses are in compliance with local, municipal and government air quality regulations, and issue warnings to companies that do not comply.

Although air pollution control specialists can be found in all parts of the country, most work in urban areas where industry and traffic are heaviest.

Air pollution analysts therefore play a key role in evaluating and reducing the impact of air pollution on people and ecological systems. 


  • government and state departments

  • laboratories, research institutions

  • tertiary institutions such as universities

  • non-profit organisations engaged in combating or preventing pollution

  • self-employed, as a consultant

Where to Study

Papua New Guinea
Divine Word University
Papua New Guinea
University of Goroka

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