Western Cape Government (Health)
Western Cape Government
The Western Cape Department of Health offers a limited number of bursaries for full-time study each year in fields where a shortage of skills has been identified. The aim of the bursary is to attract qualified persons with the required competencies, knowledge and skills to join the Department to meets its service delivery needs. Bursars are expected to furnish the department with satisfactory proof of registration at an accredited academic institution at the start of the financial year.
Bursary Fields
Who Can Apply
To apply for one of these bursaries you must be:
A South African citizen or permanent resident. A resident of the Western Cape. Able to prove financial need. Ideally from a historically disadvantaged background. Be accepted at the relevant accredited HEI.
Bursary Levels
Undergraduates, Year 12
Tuition (Actual study fees), registration and examination fees. If you fail an academic year, you will have to repeat that year at your own cost, after which the bursary will be reinstated for the following academic year, if you pass.
1 year renewable
Service Contract
The bursaries are awarded on a work-back system - on a year for a year basis. Community Service Year will count towards the student's 1st year of bursary obligation, although internship years will not. Students may start paying, that is working, back their bursary obligation as soon as they have successfully completed their studies.
Contact Details
142 Long Street, Cape Town, 8000
Apply directly to Dept of Health
(021) 483 3465
Application Address