South African Actuaries Development Programme (SAADP)



The programme seeks to actively address the problem of the acute shortage of actuarial skills in the black community in South Africa. We do this by unearthing and harnessing mathematical and analytical skills amongst black students in order to expose and help them to capitalise on career opportunities in the field of Actuarial Science.
Bursary Fields

Actuarial Science
Who Can Apply

Students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds who intend to study Actuarial Science at Wits, UCT or UP. Minimum Application Requirements: Grade 12, 80% in Mathematics and 70% in Physical Science and English.

Bursary Levels

Undergraduates, Year 12

Comprehensive bursaries and support are available for students who are strong academically and have a keen interest in Actuarial Science. The bursary covers the following: Tuition Residence Meals Living Allowance Book Fees

The bursary is renewable each year pending good academic performance.
Closing Date

31 August 2018
Contact Details

First Floor, Killarney Mall Office Towers, Johannesburg
P O Box 2460, Houghton, 2041
(011) 642-2202
Application Address