Aurecon South Africa - BSc Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering



For deserving students doing degrees that lead to professional careers in engineering, in fields of Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering.
Bursary Fields

Engineering - Civil, Engineering - Electrical, Engineering - Mechanical
Who Can Apply

South African citizen, studying or intending to study BSc or BEng in Civil, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering undergraduate Degrees at recognised universities in South Africa. Grade 12 students must have maintained a 5 symbol or higher in Mathematics and Science since Grade 11. Tertiary students must have maintained a minimum of 70% aggregate

Bursary Levels


Up to R80 000 per annum.

The bursary will be renewed annually if the student’s academic performance is satisfactory.
Service Contract

Work back for every year funded by the company.
Closing Date

31 August 2018
Contact Details

Aurecon Centre, Lynnwood Bridge Office Park, 4 Daventry Street, Lynnwood Manor, 0081
P O Box 905, Pretoria CBD, 0001
(012) 427-2000
Application Address