Bursaries By Study Field : Social Work
Limpopo, South Africa
Fields of study: MBCHB (Degree in Medicine) B.Pharmacy, BDS/BCHD (Degree in Dentistry,) B. Occupational therapy, B. Oral hygiene, B. Dental therapy, B. Physiotherapy, B. Optometry, BSC Diet/ Nutation, B. social work, National Dip: Orthotics/Prosthetic, MA. clinical psychology, B. Radiology, ND. clinical Engineering, B.A. Community Development, B. TECH. Emergency Care
31 Oct 2018
UCT, Rondebosch, Cape Town 7700, South Africa
Veterans and Friends of the August 1968 sit-in at UCT have made an annual award available towards
research costs of one or more UCT students. The award supports creative research initiatives by UCT
students investigating innovations which could help to reduce poverty and social exclusion in South
Africa. The title of the award celebrates the spirit of the sit-in, which defended the appointment of Archie
Mafeje to UCT academic staff against the apartheid government’s demand to withdraw the job offer on
grounds of his race.
15 Apr 2018